Decadimento uniforme per equazioni integro-differenziali lineari di Volterra


  • Stefania Gatti Università di Modena - Reggio Emilia



This talk is devoted to some recent results concerning the exponential and the polynomial decays of the energy associated with a linear Volterra integro-differential equation of hyperbolic type in a Hilbert space, which is an abstract version of the equation describing the motion of a linearly viscoelastic solid occupying a (bounded) volume at rest.
We provide sufficient conditions for the decay to hold, without invoking differential inequalities involving the convolution kernel. A similar analysis is carried on in the whole N-dimensional real space, although both the polynomial and the exponential decay of the memory kernel lead to a polynomial decay of the energy, with a rate influenced by the space dimension N. These results are contained in two joint papers with Monica Conti and Vittorino Pata (Politecnico di Milano).


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How to Cite

Gatti, S. (2011). Decadimento uniforme per equazioni integro-differenziali lineari di Volterra. Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar, 2(1).


